

If you are one of the millions of people who suffer from stage-fright, these media articles by stage-fright expert Lesley Stephenson will help you. You can also book Lesley now to deliver a stage-fright management workshop or presentation for your company or interest group.

Please click on the links below to view stage-fright articles by Lesley published in the media.

Download Say Goodbye to the Stage-Fright Blues
published in Toastmaster magazine

Download Say Goodbye to Stage-Fright
published in Working Women magazine


In the News

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7-Steps-to-Turn-Anger-and-Frustration-Into-Peak-Performance-Guidebook book cover

Get Your Anger Management Guidebook

Do you want to work more constructively with anger, whether it’s your own or that of others?

Would you like to receive a series of six FREE anger-management lessons?

Then this guide is a must!

7 Steps to Turn Anger and Frustration Into Peak Performance

Internationally recognized expert on anger-management Lesley Stephenson is now offering you the most important lessons you can learn about anger in her guide: ‘7 Steps To Turn Anger and Frustration Into Peak Performance.’ And those lessons work! Constructive anger management has allowed Lesley to build a successful speaking and coaching business, to write an acclaimed biography, and to finance and lead projects in Northern Ethiopia which have had a positive impact on the lives of thousands of people! So if you want to open doors to reaching your professional goals and achieving lasting satisfaction in your relationships, read this guide and learn to make your anger work for you. 

An excerpt…

Embrace the Astounding Truth About Anger

Are you ready to learn the empowering truth about anger? Well, I hope so, because here it is: Anger is nothing more or less than a powerful emotion which emerges when we feel ‘threatened’ by some circumstance or event. When that threat appears, anger rallies to protect us. Yep, you read correctly: anger is actually designed to protect us!! Did you learn that as a child? Did your parents clap with delight when you showed anger, and say: ‘Way to go, Johnny. Let that anger out. You’re gonna need it to grow up strong and happy.’ Did they? If so, you experienced a highly unusual response to your anger.


Only $9.99 USD

Following your purchase you will be added to Lesley’s subscriber list and receive your digital download along with access to your free subscription lessons.

Your book helped me to accept anger as an important emotion. And receiving the follow-up lessons at regular intervals allowed me to make friends with this controversial topic step by step.

Gabriela S, Switzerland